
...Update2019-01-31v1.2.0-Source-ThronebreakerLeadersUpdate2019-01-10v1.1.0-Source-MulliganUpdate20182018-12-04v1.0.1.26-Source-Console ...,⚙️ToallAndroid14users:Todaywereleasedafreshversionforyoutoupdateto,whichshouldfixtheissueofnotbeingabletoenterthegame.,2023年10月18日—CDProjektRedhasreleaseditsfinalproperupdateforGwent:TheWitcherCardGameasfulldevelopmentendsandcontrolofthegameis ...,2023...


... Update 2019-01-31 v1.2.0 - Source - Thronebreaker Leaders Update 2019-01-10 v1.1.0 - Source - Mulligan Update 2018 2018-12-04 v1.0.1.26 - Source - Console ...


⚙️ To all Android 14 users: Today we released a fresh version for you to update to, which should fix the issue of not being able to enter the game.

CD Projekt Releases Its Final Update to Gwent

2023年10月18日 — CD Projekt Red has released its final proper update for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game as full development ends and control of the game is ...

Patch Notes 11.8

2023年8月7日 — Spontaneous Evolution - Boost changed from 4 to 5. Beast - Boost changed from 8 to 9. Ogroid - Now Spawns a Nekker on the boosted unit's ...

Patch Notes 11.10

2023年10月16日 — Tomorrow we are releasing Update 11.10, which will include the final card changes made by us. This means that moving forward, you will have ...


Patch Notes 11.10. October 16, 2023 comments (31) · Balance Council FAQ—What is ... Patch Notes 11.9. September 11, 2023 comments (45) · Heritage Reveal Schedule.

Patch Notes 11.9

2023年9月11日 — Update 11.9 is coming tomorrow, and with it, the last card drop for GWENT. We truly hope you enjoy these 12 cards and are excited to see, ...


2023年10月16日 — Here you can find a link to all patch notes and their release date. Since the release of the game (Homecoming), the game is getting an update ...